
Bryce Canyon 30K and Ultras

We did it! At the end of May my husband and I completed our first 30K trail race. Though I had great fears that I hadn’t trained enough, we finished with plenty of time to spare and I still had the energy to jog through the finish line with a smile on my face. Of…

The Hidden Forest Trail

We found a new way to cool off by hiking high up in the mountains of the Desert National Wildlife Refuge outside of Vegas. Forty-five minutes of bumpy dirt road driving, an ominous name of Deadman Canyon, and 5.5 miles of uphill climbing made our hike quite the special trek. Once we reached over 7000…

Myth- Las Vegas Doesn’t Have 4 Seasons

We are fully into the spring season now in Las Vegas and have all the crazy weather to go with it. Sometimes it rains in the valley while it snows on top the mountain, and sometimes we have lovely, hot, 80- and 90-degree days. Thanks to a visit from my parents, we’ve been able to…

Winter in Las Vegas

With foster kid recently moved out, our lives have been going through an interesting little season of renewal. The weather’s let us spend more time outdoors, my husband’s teaching job prompted the creation of a new home office in our house, and we’ve piled on all kinds of activities to keep us busy. Little Dart…

One Crunchy Week

This week my ‘granola’ side came out in full force. I pulled all the middle school home economics lessons from the back of my brain and set out to recycle, reduce, and reuse. Menus were created, shopping lists were made with precision, and we made use of every last bit of food that we could.…

Another Vacation Race Complete!

We did it! I finished another half marathon, and my husband and foster kid completed their first half marathon races. We stuck with Vacation Races of course, heading just a few hours over from Las Vegas, Nevada to Joshua Tree, California. Both are in the Mojave desert, making me think I had some sort of…

What’s Vegas Like in the Fall?

Life in Las Vegas in the fall is the BEST! Not only do we have some of the prettiest mountain views all year round, but this is the time of year that it also starts to feel wonderful outside. Spring break visitors have it all wrong- fall is definitely the perfect season to visit Las…

Costco Meal Prepping

My husband got a new side hustle teaching, yay! He’s going to be spending a bit more time away from home, but what a great opportunity for him to teach future electricians 🙂 As I finalized my shopping list and weekly menu this morning, I almost didn’t realize that my husband’s dinners away from home…

Making the Most of Our Outdoorsy Time

With days getting shorter and cooler temperatures coming to Las Vegas, Dart and I have re-committed to getting outdoors more often. In April, Dart started on a weight loss journey that was quickly derailed when he ate more than 2 pounds of people food and got a generous dose of chocolate toxicosis too. Rather than…

Visiting the Las Vegas Ballpark

This weekend we ventured out of the house for an evening of baseball fun with at the Las Vegas Ballpark. It may have been our first sporting event of the year, what were we waiting for?! A Minor League team, the Las Vegas Aviators have been in the area since 1983 but moved into their…


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